Baby Time!

Nearly a month later, I guess it’s high time we posted that we have babies! They were born about 20 minutes apart with Noah first and Luke second (born in the operating room, as is required for twins). It is a wonderful and challenging time so far! Here are some pictures from our first couple… Continue reading Baby Time!

The House, part 2

Here are some pictures of our house as it is today (sans baby items that are starting to take over everywhere). These make me realize how we never got around to painting anything differently than the way it started, except the nursery!            

The House

*I wrote this 6 months ago but never posted it for some reason? Post with completion pictures to follow… We began looking for a house in September 2010 but weren’t having luck. In May 2011, I found a post on Craigslist about a house being renovated down the street. It sounded promising, so we checked… Continue reading The House

Little Bear / Blanca Traverse + Ellingwood Point

Lauren commonly calls me “Mr. Mountain Energy”. I suppose it’s a fairly accurate nickname (just look at the majority of my blog entries). I guess my zeal has slowed a bit in the past year; maybe it’s the fact we have twins on the way, my current knee injury, or one particular day in the… Continue reading Little Bear / Blanca Traverse + Ellingwood Point

Babies Update

We haven’t been doing too much lately that is picture worthy (at least me sitting on the couch doesn’t seem too exciting), so I thought I’d post an update on the kiddies, size-wise at least. And I’m sitting down because my feet are tired, and I’ve apparently run out of other things to do on… Continue reading Babies Update

Isla Mujeres

Back in the fall, we decided to take a trip to celebrate my upcoming 30th birthday. As you may know, we are also having twins! (boys!) When we found out, we decided it should be a “babiesmoon” too. For the first time in the history of Joel and Lauren, we selected a warm, relaxing location…it… Continue reading Isla Mujeres