Birthday Clubs Might Change Your…

Week. Your birthday week, that is. I love birthday clubs. Maybe you should too. Here are some of the free things I’ve gotten in the last couple of weeks: -Free ice cream w/ mix-in at Coldstone Creamery -Free scoop at Ben & Jerry’s -Free scoop at Baskin Robbins -$10 gift coupon to World Market -Free… Continue reading Birthday Clubs Might Change Your…

Meat meat

I just read this article, and I thought I’d make a post about meat: We eat meat. That said, we somewhat “carefully” eat meat. I do often wonder whether I should be allowed to eat meat at all, as I am not currently willing to slaughter it myself…and I don’t even want to cut… Continue reading Meat meat

Food and Traveling – our two favorites!

Things have been very crazy around our house lately. We are going on a big trip Saturday, so we’ve been trying to plan as much as we can. (more on that later) As if we had lots of extra time, we decided to make a real garden this year.  We would love to increase the… Continue reading Food and Traveling – our two favorites!


Last Saturday night, we made a paella. We love paella! If you aren’t familiar with it, it’s a rice dish from the Valencia region of Spain. I’m not sure how we initially became interested, but I got a paella pan one year for Christmas so we could try. We’ve only done it a few times,… Continue reading Paella!