
Last Saturday, we went to the quarterly police bike auction (bike theft is apparently bad here), and we got bikes! Mine was $30 (but needs a number of parts), and Joel’s was $60 (doesn’t need any work). Unfortunately, we didn’t know you could get there an hour early to actually view the bikes before you… Continue reading Bikes!

The Drive

Since we’ve been here 2 weeks, it’s about time I posted! Here are a few pics from our drive here…more posts to come this week… What is this, Bonnaroo?? Nope, just a good ol’ race at the Kansas Motor Speedway. Tenopardgyse . Peta satelit dunia

Moving Out

And so it is…we’ve been moved out for a week. Packing was more stressful than I imagined, but we got it done (amidst frustration at how much stuff we apparently have). Tenopardgyse It’s sad to say goodbye to our house after all the work we (and my parents) have put into it, but the time… Continue reading Moving Out