Slowly fading

We recently returned from our trip to Nashville and were a little worried about our garden. Temperatures crept down to the high 40s a couple of nights while we were gone, and tomatoes hate temps below 50! Things were looking ok, but they are definitely slowing down. As expected, based on the baby zucchini when we left, we had…drumroll…another club! This one was a good bit bigger than the last.

We also recently picked the first of the butternut squash, but our crop will come nowhere close to last year’s!

Finally, here are a few more tasty treats from the lovely garden. The cherry tomatoes still taste great, but the big ones are tasting terrible right now – I don’t know why!


  1. Love the squash! We’re going to try some in next summer’s garden. Our tomoatoes are just starting to ripen – I hope we get some soon. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Last year we had a nice crop of butternut and it lasted up until about a month ago when we ate the last one. Unfortunately since it rained here until the middle of June, we never did get our squash in. Looking forward to next year!

  3. Maybe the variety of tomato is not the best? i try new ones each year in addition to the ones I know I like- everything’s a learning experience!

    Thanks for participating in the TGP, and don’t forget about the recipes about how you use fresh produce- we’d love to see!

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