Call me crazy, but I just felt like it was time for a post…about our trip to Chile and Peru…in December. Ahem, is it June?
Here’s a brief run-down of our time in Chile:
Dec. 18 – Denver to Dallas, leave for Santiago
Dec. 19 – Layover in Santiago
Dec. 20 – Santiago to Punta Arenas (2am-5am!), bus to Puerto Natales. Walk the wrong way for forever with our 3 heavy bags. Finally find our hostel.
Dec. 21 – Hang out in Puerto Natales. Longest day of the year. Sunlight appx 4am – 11pm.
Dec. 22 – 26 – Backpacking in Torres del Paine National Park
Dec. 27 – Back to Puerto Natales, visit Bernardo O’Higgins National Park
Dec. 28 – 29 – Back to Punta Arenas. Visit penguin colony! “Sleep” in airport.
Dec. 30 – Fly to Peru…more later
I’ll do some picture posts about the above events to not make a super long post. Until then, here is one beautiful shot from Torres del Paine.
Yes!! Sooo beautiful. Andrew and I will be doing the same thing: save money and miles for years to end up there! Photos of penguin colony, please!