Spring garden update

As it’s raining like crazy right now, I’ll share pictures from earlier today when it was nice. I will also introduce 0ur mortal enemies.

Inside Plants:

My squash plants are huge! I think I started them too early unfortunately, so I hope they aren’t too root-bound when I put them out (whenever it gets warm enough). Nothing else has grown near as well. I have received a few free seedlings which are likely the other discernible leaves in the photo.

Outside Plants:

Looks pretty brown and ugly, huh? There are some tiny onion, lettuce, spinach, and carrots out there, but I don’t have a lot of hope (see mortal enemy #2 below).

And now for mortal enemies.

1. Weather. If you notice a bit of a brown tarp in the left of the above photo, that would also be known as snow shield. That’s right, it snowed this week, on May 11. Our average last frost date is April 30 (Nashville’s is April 8 I think), but that didn’t work out this year. So, we propped up the tarp on the lovely chicken wire (addressed below).

2. Starting seeds. I’m not sure if this should count as a mortal enemy, but it has been an obstacle. It takes so much more work to start seeds. Everything (except mainly squash) seems so tiny, and I don’t know why. I don’t have high expectations for several things, but I’m not sure if I should go buy some seedlings for some of them. I have acquired certain seedlings and bought herbs, but we’ll just have to see how it goes.

3. Are you ready? This one is the worst of all. CATS. That’s right, stray cats. They are the bane of our garden so far, and a source of major frustration and soreness in our home. They have pooped loads and loads in our beds, and I am so lucky to get to dig it out. I have rigged up the beautiful chicken wire seen above to keep them out (and the cardboard over the small bed in the top of the photo). I’m not sure what to do when the plants get too tall though. And guess what? I’m pretty sure I saw a dug up spot today where the cat had climbed over one of the two pieces of chicken wire to lay his load. We did not have this problem before, and we just aren’t sure what to do about it.

Is gardening supposed to be this dramatic?


  1. We got flurries last week too! But, I love it because I don’t have to worry about loosing plants. As for the cats, my neighbors have a high-pitched thing that deters the ‘coons. You should check it out.

  2. Hey Laruen:
    Sorry you are having such a difficult time with the cats. I once read that putting pinecones all through flower beds will deter cats. Might be worth a try for your garden.
    Enjoy reading your posts.

  3. I may have to try it! Joel’s mom is mailing me a high-pitched noise emitter she has to see if that works (funny, as sheena mentioned it below), so we’ll see. If it doesn’t work, I’ll try to find some pinecones. I may have to get mom to ship me some. 🙂

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