Do you read a number of blogs? Do you have them in your favorites, or just go to them from history? Last year, Joel showed me this wonderful solution to blog reading: Google Reader. All you need is a google account (gmail or otherwise), and you are set. Google Reader allows you to paste the blog addresses in, and then it keeps them all in a list on the left. When one has a new post, it is bolded with the number of new posts in parentheses. Peta satelit dunia . You click the title, and it brings up the blog right there in the reader. The pictures show up, but you don’t see the blog background, extras, ads, etc. Every time you go to, it shows you if any of the blogs you follow are updated. If you want to go to the real blog, just click on the post. It’s that simple!
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I have added Google reader for a few Craigslist searches. But for some reason, I can only add 3 subscriptions. You guys know anything about that???
Have you tried adding blogs? I haven’t added any Craigslist searches, but I’ve added a bunch of blogs.