When traveling, you’re bound to have flight troubles every once in a while. This was my Wednesday. I got up at 4:30 to catch a flight to LaGuardia to do some work in New Jersey. Nothing is worse than getting up at 4:30 and finding out your flight is canceled on the way out the door! They put me on a later flight, which was, of course, delayed. I finally got there and rushed to the store to do my audit. The super nice manager stayed late with me, and I finished up in record time.
My flight wasn’t until 3:30 the next day (in case of flight/audit troubles), so I had a few hours to kill. I decided not to miss the chance for a quickie trip to NYC, so I went for it.
Did I mention I rented a car? Driving to NJ wasn’t bad, but driving back to the airport was a nightmare! My GPS is set on ‘no tolls’, but I didn’t know that every route into NYC has a toll. I guess it then goes for the lowest toll, which unfortunately must be the Lincoln Tunnel (I wondered why it was taking me south instead of north!). That’s right – I got directed straight into downtown. I was driving down 6th avenue when I looked around and noticed that I was the ONLY non-taxi within sight. Seriously? Am I really doing this? I didn’t have a choice. To make things a little harder, GPS doesn’t work very well in the middle of tall tall buildings. It was at least 1.5-2hrs before I finally turned in the car, and I was so glad to be out of there.
I still went into the city (again?) and had a few rushed hours running around here and there, but it was fun. I could have had more time had I predicted the inevitable delay on my flight home…I guess it’s just part of the game.