Night in a Box Followup

If you read my last post, you know that we slept in a box downtown on December 3. I am here to say that it was a great success! We heard some amazing stories from single moms about their trials in life and celebrated with them as they shared their triumphs. We heard the despair of a man who left his children fatherless when he was incarcerated. We are eternally thankful to our parents for providing us with stable, loving homes, and we hope now more than ever to share the love of Christ with families going through these difficult times.

You can see here that we are at almost $36,000 in total funds! Also, Joel and I raised $880, which you can see here. THANK YOU SO MUCH to all of you who donated and prayed for us.

We forgot our camera, but here’s a picture that Jason Powers took of most people by their boxes. We’re the ones on the far right side.